Members of Council acknowledged concerns from residents about parking in the area. If Council were to approve the adoption-in-principle, it would in no way obligate them to approve the development. The development would go through a Commissioner's hearing and residents would have ample opportunity to voice their concerns. The request for parking relief would come after the Commissioner's hearing. Councillor Hickman reminded Council that Memorial University was a partner of the City, and they have expressed concerns about the impact the development would have on the university. Council noted that there is a gap in market-level, affordable apartments, and this development would alleviate this issue and would also align with the City's plans for development. Councillor Froude informed Council that for the approximately1,500 individuals living in residences on campus, MUN provides 80 parking spaces. Proportionally, for the Lambe's Lane development to have same ratio of residents to spaces, there would be a requirement of 30 parking spaces. Council were supportive of the motion as it would allow further discussion and engagement on the proposed development and permit additional high-density proposals in the area should the current proposal be rejected.