Councillor Burton provided background information on the proposed development and reminded Council that the use of vertical siding is not permitted in Heritage Area 2. A lengthy discussion followed, and Council were once again divided on the issue, noting that consistency is important when enforcing by-laws and regulations, and that permitting the use of vertical siding would set a dangerous precedent for future applications. Members of Council felt that as the building was not a heritage building, the heritage standards should not apply, and that it would be reasonable to permit the use of vertical siding. Councillor Skinner asked for clarification on the use of vertical siding as while it is not permitted for use in full facades, it may be permitted in specific situations. The Chief Municipal Planner responded that vertical siding has been permitted as a decorative element for some buildings. Councillor Burton advised Council that prior to the current renovation work, the building did adhere to heritage standards, as it had been built with horizonal siding, and that deviation from the regulations should only occur when there are life safety concerns.