The City Manager gave an update on the International Urban and Regional Cooperation Program.
On May 25, 2021, Council agreed to approve the City of St. John’s application to be considered for the European Union’s International Urban Regional and Cooperation program. St. John’s was accepted to the program and has been paired with Braga, Portugal.
The objectives of the program are to enhance knowledge transfer, learning in a number of areas ranging from circular economy, social inclusion, urban regeneration, energy consumption, smart city solutions etc.
Program meetings have begun, and key thematic areas being refined. Online workshops and study tour programs will be developed in the coming months.
Ms. Elizabeth Lawrence, Director of Economic Development, Culture and Partnerships, added that the City is one of only 3 Canadian cities that are in the program, Ottawa and Windsor are also participating. The program gives participants an international spectrum of cities, access to other city's best practices, and it is a great opportunity to learn and grow and to share what we are doing with the world.
It is a 2-year program, ending in 2023.