Minutes of Committee of the Whole - City Council

Council Chambers, 4th Floor, City Hall

4th Floor City Hall
  • Mayor Danny Breen
  • Deputy Mayor Sheilagh O'Leary
  • Councillor Maggie Burton
  • Councillor Ron Ellsworth
  • Councillor Sandy Hickman
  • Councillor Debbie Hanlon
  • Councillor Jill Bruce
  • Councillor Jamie Korab
  • Councillor Carl Ridgeley
  • Councillor Ophelia Ravencroft
  • Councillor Ian Froude
  • Kevin Breen, City Manager
  • Derek Coffey, Deputy City Manager of Finance & Administration
  • Jason Sinyard, Deputy City Manager of Planning, Engineering & Regulatory Services
  • Lynnann Winsor, Deputy City Manager of Public Works
  • Cheryl Mullett, City Solicitor
  • Karen Chafe, City Clerk
  • Susan Bonnell, Manager - Communications & Office Services
  • Christine Carter, Legislative Assistant
  • Erin Skinner
  • Brian Head, Manager - Parks & Open Spaces

    Natalie Godden, Manager- Healthy City & Inclusion

    Erin Skinner, Supervisor, Tourism & Culture

Mayor Danny Breen called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Korab
    Seconded ByCouncillor Bruce

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)
  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Hanlon
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ellsworth

    That the minutes of September 7, 2022, be adopted as presented.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor Hickman referred Council to the Decision Note which provides options for discussion for improving the service response time for the snow clearing of intersections with Pedestrian Activated Controls. He noted that these crossing points include locations that are push button activated, as well as those that are on automated recall.

The Deputy City Manager of Public Works reviewed the current process, the priorities and the set completion times. The information that was provided by the public, through various engagement opportunities indicated the importance of ensuring that Priority 1 streets and sidewalks were cleared effectively. It also determined that snow clearing response time at 122 selected pedestrian crossings could be hastened through additional resources. Currently, the Parks and Open Spaces Division does not have the capacity to increase the service level at those pedestrian crossings with current resources.

The Deputy City Manager briefly reviewed each of the four options prepared for Council to consider and noted that Option 3 is the recommendation coming from Staff.

Councillor Burton inquired as to when the clearing would begin and was advised by the Deputy City Manager that it would be after the street widening had been completed, which is 24 hours after a snow fall event. It was noted as well that Option 3 reduces the time by 50%.

Councillor Burton advised that she is supportive of Option 3 and feels that this will be a positive move.

Councillor Hickman sought clarification on whether this includes Metrobus stops, Ms. Windsor advised that it does not, as Metrobus is responsible for the snow clearing around their shelters.

Deputy Mayor O'Leary thanked the Staff for bringing these options forward and noted her support for option three, and that she is not interested in contracting out the service. She added that the improvements for clearing of stairways for improved access has been great to see and well received by residents.

The question was asked if this is to be brought into this coming winter season how it would affect the budget. The City Manager advised Council that this would be for the upcoming season.

A question on whether the wording of the motion should be strengthened was asked before being presented at the Regular Meeting. This will be determined and edited if required.

  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Hickman
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ellsworth

    That Council consider Option 3 if a service level enhancement is contemplated. 

    Option 3 is outlined as follows:

    Pedestrian activated traffic control crossing locations cleared within 72 hours after the completion of street widening operations.

    • 8 City employees
    • 1 supervisor
    • 2 leased loaders
    • 2 light duty trucks
    • Cost - $270,015

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)
  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Hickman
    Seconded ByCouncillor Bruce

    That Council make funding available through the Windsor Lake Equipment Reserve Fund to support the purchase of membrane filter modules for Secondary Cell #2 and #3 at the Windsor Lake Water Treatment Plant.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)
  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Hanlon
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ellsworth

    The Inclusion Advisory Committee recommends that Mr. Paul Walsh, Autism Society Representative, remain on the Inclusion Advisory Committee as well as the St. John's Transportation Commission for the remainder of his term, providing that:

    • Walsh recuses himself from speaking or voting on matters that relate to the services of the SJTC at meetings of the IAC; and
    • Walsh recuses himself from speaking or voting on matters that relate to IAC’s accessible transportation positions or recommendations during meetings of the SJTC.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor Hanlon presented the Information Note for the approval of 2SLGBTQIA+ Working Group and initial action items.

In February of 2022, City staff and IAC representatives led a 2SLGBTQIA+ community forum, where they heard from organizational stakeholders and individuals with lived experience regarding the City’s need to address barriers faced by the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Those in attendance emphasized the greatest challenges: funding, safe space, training, and resources as well as awareness and provided guidance on the work to be completed. The feedback provided through the community forum served as a starting point for the development of action items.

Councillor Hanlon reviewed the recommendations which are:

  • That City staff and IAC representatives form a 2SLGBTQIA+ working group that will report to Council through the IAC
    • That the 2SLGBTQIA+ working group develop training resources that can be used by city staff and the community to create safe, inclusive environments for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community
    • That the 2SLGBTQIA+ working group develop a work plan that will guide future efforts towards inclusion for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

Councillor Hanlon gave an overview of the recommendation being brought forward for Council to provide direction to staff to operate Pedestrian Signals on recall in the pedestrian core area and that any expansion of pedestrian recall will be conducted by a working group formed with the Inclusion Advisory Committee.

Staff is considering the following approach and looking for feedback from the Inclusion Advisory Committee prior to making any recommendations to council.

  • Pedestrian core would remain on full time recall
  • Outside the pedestrian core, pedestrian recall would be based on vehicle and pedestrian volumes, and feedback from Metrobus and other stakeholders including working group as recommended by Inclusion Advisory committee
  • Seasonally, some intersections outside the pedestrian core would be switched to recall for winter with dates aligning with public works parking ban

Councillor Ellsworth raised the concern that the City, as a corporate community, should already be looking at every aspect of City services with an inclusion lens and always have that perspective. He wanted to ensure that this is being followed and is automatically used. The City Manager advised that there has been a focus on accessibility and inclusion and in every Decision and Information Note it is included. Councillor Hanlon added that it is a current policy and practice.

Ms. Natalie Godden, Manager- Healthy City & Inclusion, advised that there is an accessibility and inclusion key consideration/implication included in every Decision and Information Note. This particular issue deals with requests for Inclusion Advisory Committee representation on other committees. Having a staff person as the representative at the table is seen as the best option so that all perspectives are brought forward and communicated back to the Inclusion Advisory Committee.

  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Hanlon
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ellsworth

    The IAC Recommends that the Accessibility & Inclusion Facilitator act as a liaison between the IAC and the Pedestrian Signals Working Group to ensure that jurisdictional scans and research of best practices is completed as part of the consultations with the IAC. Final recommendations will be vetted through the IAC Committee for their input and recommendations.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor Hanlon advised Council that the City’s Inclusion Advisory Committee has recommended that Council approve the development of an Accessible Parking Working Group which will work to improve accessible parking and make recommendations on:

  • a public engagement process about accessible parking concerns of City regulated spaces; and
  • a public awareness and education campaign, which includes invisible disabilities, concerning accessible parking and accessible parking permits

The working group will report to the Inclusion Advisory Committee and provide advice and recommendations for improved accessible on-street parking in the City.

Members of Council were supportive of this initiative and look forward to seeing the recommendations that will be brought forward. It was also noted that an education component is important for the public to raise awareness of the importance of designated parking spots and to not park in those spots without proper permits.

  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Hickman
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary

    That Council approve the development of an Accessible Parking Working Group, reporting to the Inclusion Advisory Committee, to provide advice and recommendations for improved accessible on-street parking in the City of St. John’s.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor Hanlon advised Council of the recommendation for approval coming forward from the Inclusion Advisory Committee regarding inclusion representation on City Committees.

The recommendation is that  Accessibility & Inclusion Staff act as a liaison between the IAC and City Departments and Committees to ensure that jurisdictional scans and research of best practices is completed as part of the consultations with the IAC. Final recommendations will be vetted through the IAC Committee for their input and recommendations.

Deputy Mayor O'Leary expressed her support for this direction and understands that with so much inclusion engagement with the IAC it would not be reasonable to expect the volunteers to be on these committees and that using the Staff is a great balance.

Councillor Hanlon gave her thanks and appreciation to Ms. Natalie Godden for all of her work on these initiatives and invited the public to refer any issues or suggestions where improvements can be made, to the City.

  • Recommendation
    Moved ByCouncillor Hanlon
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary

    The IAC recommends that  Accessibility & Inclusion Staff act as a liaison between the IAC and City Departments and Committees to ensure that jurisdictional scans and research of best practices is completed as part of the consultations with the IAC. Final recommendations will be vetted through the IAC Committee for their input and recommendations.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Hanlon, Councillor Korab, Councillor Ellsworth, Councillor Bruce, and Councillor Ridgeley

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor Hanlon advised of the proposal by Staff for a Downtown Holiday Fair which is funded through the Canadian Heritage Reopening Fund.

Councillor Hanlon reviewed the background and the plans for the 2-day event, which includes a holiday themed pop-up performances featuring choirs and musical performers on Water Street and Duckworth Street and a family friendly concert featuring local performers and activities on George Street.

In addition, there will be commissioning of a series of video vignettes highlighting some of the many local businesses and organizations who demonstrated resilience throughout the pandemic, a key objective of the grant. The vignettes will be featured on an outdoor video wall during the concert on George Street.

The proposed dates and times are:

  • Water Street and Duckworth Street pop-up performances 2:00-5:00pm. Saturday, December 10 (Alternate date in case of inclement weather, December 17). Road closure not required.
  • Family Friendly Concert and Activities on George Street. Sunday, December 11 (Alternate date in case of inclement weather, December 18). Road closure in place.

This is a partnership between the City of St. John's, Downtown St. John's and the George Street Association.

Deputy Mayor O'Leary thanked the Staff for this great and creative event which will see a market downtown that will help the businesses in that area, which is something that they have been asking of Council.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:07 am.