Minutes of Regular Meeting - City Council

Council Chamber, 4th Floor, City Hall

4th Floor City Hall
  • Mayor Danny Breen
  • Deputy Mayor Sheilagh O'Leary
  • Councillor Maggie Burton
  • Councillor Sandy Hickman
  • Councillor Jill Bruce
  • Councillor Ophelia Ravencroft
  • Councillor Greg Noseworthy
  • Councillor Tom Davis
  • Councillor Carl Ridgeley
  • Councillor Ron Ellsworth
  • Councillor Debbie Hanlon
  • Derek Coffey, Deputy City Manager of Finance & Administration
  • Tanya Haywood, Deputy City Manager of Community Services
  • Jason Sinyard, Deputy City Manager of Planning, Engineering & Regulatory Services
  • Lynnann Winsor, Deputy City Manager of Public Works
  • Cheryl Mullett, City Solicitor
  • Ken O'Brien, Chief Municipal Planner
  • Theresa Walsh, City Clerk
  • Jackie O'Brien, Manager of Corporate Communications
  • Jennifer Squires, Legislative Assistant

​​Land Acknowledgement

The following statement was read into the record:

“We respectfully acknowledge the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador, of which the City of St. John’s is the capital City, as the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk. Today, these lands are home to a diverse population of indigenous and other peoples. We would also like to acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Mi’kmaq, Innu, Inuit, and Southern Inuit of this Province.”

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/22
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary
    Seconded ByCouncillor Davis

    That the Agenda be adopted as presented.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/23
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByCouncillor Davis

    That the minutes of January 14, 2025, be adopted as presented.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/24
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary

    That Council approve the Discretionary Use at 60 O’Leary Avenue for Retail Use.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)

Deputy Mayor O'Leary requested that City Staff continue to discuss remediation efforts for quarries with the Province. She advised that the implementation or reintegration of trees would help with the remediation process.

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/25
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary

    That Council approve the Discretionary Use application for extension to an existing quarry (Mineral Working Use) in the Industrial General (IG) Zone and approve the related Crown Land Grant for approximately 6.39 hectares, which is located on Incinerator Road.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)

Councillor Bruce informed Council that she had spoken with a concerned resident on the proposed variance to permit a Backyard Suite at 125 Penney Crescent. She noted that normally the request would not come to Council, but as a variance is required, Council's consideration must be given to the application. The Suite will be located in the same area of an existing shed on the property and will actually be moving closer to the street and further from the neighbouring property line.

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/26
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByCouncillor Bruce

    That Council approve the Variance of 0.5% on Backyard Suite Area, which will result in a Backyard Suite having an Area of 60.2m² at 125 Penney Crescent.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/27
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary

    That Council approve a Variance of 6.12% on Lot Area for 50 Shoal Bay Road.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/28
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByCouncillor Burton

    That Council approve the interior changes to the existing non-conforming building to allow a Four-Plex at 117 Newtown Road.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)

Councillor Ridgley spoke to residents in the area of Diamond Marsh Drive and alleviated their concerns stemming from a notice sent about the proposed variance. He noted the importance of clarity when sending notices from the City.

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/29
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByCouncillor Noseworthy

    That Council approve a 10% Variance to allow a Rear Yard setback of 5.4 metres and establish the Building Line at 5.12m for 130 Diamond Marsh Drive to allow a Single Detached Dwelling.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)

Members of Council remarked that many residents voiced concerns on parking, infrastructure, and the overall size of the proposed development for 5-7 Little Street. Councillor Burton acknowledged these concerns, but also noted the importance of increasing density throughout the City, especially in serviced areas that are close to amenities and with access to public transit. She was in support of the application as proposed. Councillors echoed the concerns of residents and recommended that the developer consider reducing the size of the building or increasing the number of parking spaces available. 

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/30
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByCouncillor Burton

    That Council approve the revised Land Use Report (LUR) at 5-7 Little Street for a proposed
    Apartment Building, parking relief for 16 parking spaces and grant Approval-in-Principle subject to the following conditions prior to Final Approval:
    1. Meet all requirements of the St. John’s Municipal Plan and Development Regulations;
    2. Meet all requirements of the Development Design Manual; and
    3. Detailed site and servicing plans submitted and approved.

    For (2)Councillor Burton, and Councillor Ravencroft
    Against (7)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION LOST (2 to 7)

Councillor Noseworthy requested that consideration be given to allocating uncommitted funds to support the installation of pickleball courts at City facilities.

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/31
    Moved ByCouncillor Bruce
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary

    That Council approve the recommended 2025 Capital out of Revenue listing and the Parks & Open Spaces reserve projects.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor Hickman encouraged businesses and other levels of government to consider implementing similar policies to allow employees to volunteer with the Canada Games.

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/32
    Moved ByCouncillor Bruce
    Seconded ByCouncillor Hickman

    That Council approve the Canada Games 2025 Volunteerism Policy

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/33
    Moved ByCouncillor Burton
    Seconded ByCouncillor Noseworthy

    That Council consider rezoning land at 424 Kenmount Road from the Commercial Neighbourhood (CN) and Residential 1 (R1) Zones to the Apartment 2 (A2) Zone and approve the attached terms of reference for a Land Use Report (LUR).

    Further, upon receiving a satisfactory LUR, that the application be advertised for public input and feedback.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)

Councillor Davis asked if the applicant could tear down the existing building and rebuild something larger should the rezoning be approved. The Chief Municipal Planner responded that the rezoning would enable the owner to build anything that is permitted in the A1 Zone. Councillor Ridgeley asked if conditions could be placed on the property to mitigate issues that may arise. Staff replied that conditions could not be placed on existing zones, but a new zone could be created with conditions built in should Council wish to do so. Councillor Burton advised that it would be beneficial to move forward to the consultation process in order to discuss possibilities for the site. Councillor Noseworthy again noted the concerns of residents in the area and stated that he would not be in support of the application unless traffic and speeding concerns were addressed by the developer and the City.

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/34
    Moved ByCouncillor Burton
    Seconded ByCouncillor Davis

    That Council consider rezoning property at 46 Hazelwood Crescent from the Residential 1 (R1) Zone to the Apartment 1 (A1) Zone to enable a Cluster Development with two Apartment Buildings, and approve the attached draft terms of reference for a land use report (LUR).

    Further, upon receiving a satisfactory land use report, that Council refer the application to a public meeting chaired by an independent facilitator.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, and Councillor Davis
    Against (1)Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 1)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/35
    Moved ByCouncillor Burton
    Seconded ByCouncillor Noseworthy

    That Council accept this staff report on 21A Angel Place as the Heritage Report for a proposed Townhouse in Heritage Area 3, as per Section 8(3) of the St. John’s Heritage By-Law.

    For (9)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Ravencroft, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (9 to 0)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/36
    Moved ByCouncillor Ridgeley
    Seconded ByCouncillor Bruce

    That the weekly payment vouchers for the weeks ending January 15 and January 22, 2025, in the amount of $14,126,042.91 be approved as presented.

    For (8)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Hickman, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (8 to 0)

Deputy Mayor O'Leary informed Council that she had received three letters of support for the resolution. She will provide the letters to the City Clerk.  

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/37
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary
    Seconded ByCouncillor Davis

    That the resolution be approved as presented.

    For (7)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/38
    Moved ByCouncillor Noseworthy
    Seconded ByCouncillor Davis

    That Council approve the sale of City land at the rear of 15 Tonbridge Place, as outline in blue on the attached diagram.

    For (7)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (7 to 0)

Councillor Noseworthy requested that the City Solicitor provide additional information on the easement located at the rear of the property. The City Solicitor advised that the utility easement allows companies (Bell or Newfoundland Power) to access infrastructure located on the property for maintenance. The easement is registered as a matter of public record and the homeowner is prohibited from constructing or building over the easement area with the exception of an easily movable section of fencing. The owner is also not permitted to excavate, fill in, or change the grade of the area by more than 20cm without the prior consent of Newfoundland Power or Bell.

  • SJMC-R-2025-01-28/39
    Moved ByCouncillor Noseworthy
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor O'Leary

    That Council approve the sale of City land at the rear of 9 Collins Place, as outline in red on the attached diagram.

    For (7)Mayor Breen, Deputy Mayor O'Leary, Councillor Burton, Councillor Bruce, Councillor Ridgeley, Councillor Davis, and Councillor Noseworthy

    MOTION CARRIED (7 to 0)

Councillor Davis asked if there were requirements in place for pest control for new developments. The Deputy City Manager of Planning, Engineering, and Regulatory Services responded that a rodent control plan is required for developers. 

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:17 p.m.

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